Friday, 4 June 2010

Pitch and Development Work

So today we did our Pitch , It went well apart from the part where I opened my mouth. I had a feeling I would be struggling to make sense of my words after sufficient lack of sleep and so I was glad I did the narration pre recorded to my pitch. I was quite pleased how fast I managed to get this out. I set myself 3 days to do all the concepts and any remaining work I could muster as all I had from the practice pitch the Friday before was a lead character - Jeffery . As I had spent most of the term thinking about how it would look and trying to pull a strong story idea out I left myself little time to get it together. However I had all the ingredients there so I just went with it. I seem to work much better under pressure as it means I make decisions decisively.

What I pitched slightly different to my final bible story, ever so. The ending for my pitch story was weak but I had changed my mind the night before on the story ending after talking to Andy. Instead of him just popping back to normal behind a wall, Jeffery finds himself in a flat world and pops back to normal. Once more the odd one out. He also gets trapped as he can no longer travel back through the crack. This probably doesn't make much sense but if you check out below my Story synopsis and the pitch above it will give you a much better idea.

After this I really want to keep pushing the style and story. I feel the base story idea is now strong enough to develop further and hopefully create something that could be deemed worthy of a festival place. That is my main aim to get noticed with something that touches people emotionally whilst tickling them with some comedy elements. I hope to also really push some style aspects and nail down something coherent. It is is only in the final two images above that I really got more to grips with what I was trying to do. On the upside I can now paint even faster in photoshop without massive loss of quality. Royboy taught me the most amazing simple tool in photoshopthat made my work flow massively faster so a big YeahROY, as I would have probably produced half the amount of stuff.

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